Birth Name:Xavier Malisse
Nick Name:X-Man
Birth Date:July, 19, 1980
Birth Place:Kortrijk-Belgium
Residence:Sarasota-Florida (USA)
Nationality:Belgium (BEL)
Height:6 ft. 1 in.
Weight:83.2 Kg
Singles Ranking:57
Turned Pro:1998
Xavier Malisse Bio
Smooth Engine Around a Court Who owns lawless powerful blow, Xavier Malisse is the only man to crack the Top Belgian itself 20, klingelte For A Career Reaching Principles of No 19 in 2002, a Few Weeks After he contested the half-Wimbledon Finals. Malisse won ein Three Title (All Gericht on hard). In 2007, IL has the verdoppelt Swept Singles Championships and The Two of Three Premieren IN ITS Veranstaltungen - Chennai (No. 2 in Beating Rafael Nadal in the semifinals) and Delray Beach (No. 6 James Blake Flying Finale en) - Become Pour the first man to realize a TEC nutzen Twice in a Season in Jewgeni Kafelnikow SINCE 1996. An accomplished player verdoppelt, Malisseand Olivier Rochus won ein IN 2004 Roland Garros crown in double Pour Belgians Become The First Men in the United Nations Grand Slam title win. The man nicknamed "X-Man", ein reached the Fourth Round of Less All the major tournaments, except for Australia and SES Offene ein Disputing Premiere Singles Final in four years at Chennai in 2011. Complete a Athlet, Malisse has Summer Un standout football player as a Jugendlichen, owner of Eastern un handicap has to figure AND Play Golf In The Ski Of Basketball And The HIS water Spare Time.
Xavier Malisse
Xavier Malisse
Xavier Malisse
Xavier Malisse
Xavier Malisse
Xavier Malisse
Xavier Malisse
Xavier Malisse
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